Monday, August 08, 2005

vastounding: the canyon rightfully reverenced as grand

my female crushes are far too numerous to list here.
my secure-in-my-sexuality man crush, if i were obligated to make a hypothetical selection, would likely be brad pitt.
and my orange crush has recently given way to cactus cooler.
but after last saturday, my national park crush is definitely the grand (what a remarkably simple, yet elegantly suitable adjective) canyon.
"wow," i say. "wow and how." and might i add, "wow, brown cow."
mad thanks (not angry ones, it's just what the kids say these days) must go out to ryan and scott for personally introducing me to the canyon, so that i didn't end up with some second-rate wannabe canyon or a dried-up irrigation ditch that i met on-line.
here are some additional photographicals:
(click to enlarge)

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